Servicios tecnológicos
Gene expression: Conventional and quantitative PCR.
Gene therapy for the restoration of expression of MHC molecules.
Genetic analysis for risk profiling of depression and schizophrenia
Genomic and proteomic studies of tumour development related to angiogenesis and metastasis
Genotyping of class I and II HLA molecules.
Gestión de la cadena de valor
Group and individual therapies for children, young people and families that have family conflicts
Guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of learning difficulties, for teachers and parents
Help-desk and assessment on the use of tools for the evaluation of life quality
Help-desk for calculating Cardiovascular risk in clinical data bases
Help-desk for calculating the main measures of intensity for psoriasis
Histological, biological, genetic, epigenetic, rheological and physicochemical quality control of artificial tissues.
Human embryo and foetus library
Hygienic and sanitary control of foods
Identification and diagnosis of different groups
Identification and study of new grafting materials in implantology
Identification and study of products for the surface of implants
Identification of airborne pollens and spores, and the emergence period and specific area, relating them to clinical cases of respiratory allergy.
Identification of antioxidant properties of compounds in cellular and animal models