Servicios tecnológicos
Application of preventive techniques and therapeutic agents in the management of various childhood buccodental diseases
Application of techniques for recording cortical potentials
Application of techniques for recording eye movements
Application of technological procedures for visual field and contrast sensitivity training in people with disorders of this kind
Application of virtual reality to treat addictive disorders
Applications for new massive sequencing technologies
Applications of human intestinal and dendritic cells in the evaluation of biological effects of probiotic microorganisms.
Applications of umbilical cord blood stem cells in experimental models of liver disease.
Modelos de hipertensión arterial y de insuficiencia renal (Goldblatt, DOCA-sal, reducida masa renal, etc.)
Arterial pressure measurement by plethysmography.
Asesoramiento en la elaboración de dietas en situación de salud y enfermedad, comedores colectivos (colegios, hospitales, empresas, residencias…), etc.
Assessment and identification of natural or artificial substances that administered enterally can produce harmful or rewarding effects for the organism.
Assessment and treatment of work-related psychologies (stress, mobbing, burnout, etc.)
Assessment of aquatic sports materials, and design and development of new materials
Assessment of cell viability and/or cytotoxicity of products and biomaterials
Assessment of motor behaviour and activity of experimentation animals.
Assessment of new antitumour agents with an immune component, in in vitro and in vivo tests.
Assessment of quality of life in the adult and older population.
Assessment of the status of antioxidant defence mechanisms
Assessment of visual quality in subjects who have undergone a particular surgical procedure (for example after refractive surgery) or optometric procedure (for example after the use of a particular contact ...