Servicios tecnológicos
Mindfulness for leadership, emometry or evaluation of the emotional climate and cognitive optimization of attentional and emotional resources and the flow of information and energy according to the cognitive styles ...
Study of transport/absorption of ions or molecules in vitro: Ussing chamber, dilution potential, markers, etc.
Support for technological innovation by analysing characteristics of users’ way of life, needs, abilities, emotions and personality
Support services for people with fibromyalgia.
Talleres de estimulación cognitiva para niños y/o ancianos
Talleres grupales de formación de padres y/o formación de cuidadores de niños o adultos en situación de dependencia y/o desventaja
Talleres grupales de habilidades interpersonales
Techniques for the analysis of renal function
Techniques for the analysis of vascular function
Telemedicine and telediagnosis. Experience in the design and manufacture, as well as the devices themselves for this purpose.
Tests with antimicrobial agents
Therapeutic drug monitoring in biological fluids
Therapeutic studies of refractory migraine.
Tool for research and dissemination with regard to denominative variants relating to health care
Training for the improvement of the technical and athletic performance
Treatment programmes for anxiety and stress based on biofeedback and neurofeedback
Treatment programmes for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder based on neurofeedback
Use of cell cultures as a model for in vitro study
Use of the pain scale in order to assess it and preparation of protocols to minimise it
Vascular reactivity studies in conductance and resistance vessels.