Servicios tecnológicos
Studies on social skills.
Studies with FTIR-ATR
Studies with atomic absorption spectrometry
Study and appraisal of disinfectants
Study of dental whitening agents
Study of functional benefits, especially those related to muscle strength
Study of genes that differentially express between various conditions (healthy/ill, mutant/wild, treated/untreated)
Study of oxidative stress at cellular level and in animals
Study of periodontitis as a risk factor of other diseases
Study of physiological responses to the adaptation to contact lenses
Study of the clinical behaviour of restorative materials in the short and long term
Study of the dentoskeletal characteristics of paediatric patients with growth and developmental alterations
Study of the electrophysiological correlatives of human behaviour
Study of the mechanisms of action and resistance to anti-microbial agents
Study of the optical properties of restorative materials
Study of the strength of dental restorative materials
Study of the surface expression of MHC molecules in tissues: implications on the immune response.
Study of the tumour and metastatic process, and of the immune response in preclinical tumour models subjected to different treatments.
Study of the tumour environment (hypoxia, inflammation, genome instability) on cell death processes by apoptosis and autophagia
Study of the visual electrophysiological characteristics of patients with visual problems