Servicios tecnológicos
Neurological appraisal and intervention
Nutrition-related populational studies; development and assessment of diets
Nutritional evaluation, dietary prescription and nutritional supplements to optimise performance
Nutritional studies of various groups in physiological or pathological situations
Optical/optometric/epidemiological studies in different population groups
Detection of superoxide by chemiluminescence. Detection in situ of the vascular production of superoxide by dihydroethidium.
PCR ELISA technique.
Paraffin embedding and serial sectioning laboratory techniques
Participation in clinical trials to demonstrate the diagnostic or therapeutic value of new techniques or substances against leishmaniasis
Performance of clinical trials (phase II, III, IV) for the pharmaceutical industry for molecules already on the market and those in their pre-authorisation stages (phases II and III). The main ...
Permeación de principios activos en piel y mucosas
For the identification of regulation and interaction modules. The group has tools that deal with the noise that characterises biological data and allows the extraction of the relevant knowledge.
Preparation and chemical analysis of diets in physiological and pathological situations
Preparation of protocols for the establishment of breastfeeding in neonatal hospital units
Preparing and carrying out programmes for the development and improvement of psychomotricity in people with special needs, based on training them in individually adapted relaxation techniques. These relaxation techniques have ...
Prevention of risk taking conduct or risk factors by the implementation of healthy conducts either individually or as a group.
Primary cultures of macrophages and lymphocytes
Primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells of the aorta of rat or mouse, and of isolated human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
Locating internal structures of the human body, automatically detecting injured areas, etc