Servicios tecnológicos
Identification of gene expression patterns (RT-PCR technique), in response to the diet or modifications to it
Identification of genes involved in physiological and/or pathological processes
Identification of proteins by Western Blot
Identification of species of anisakids for companies dedicated to mariculture, and fish analysis in commercial centres.
Immunocytochemistry techniques
Immunoprecipitation techniques.
In vitro assays with intestinal epithelium cells
In vitro determination of potential skin irritation of tensioactives using the modified Xenia test
In vivo image analysis of small animals (IVIS spectrum).
Información de los procesos bioquímicos y metabólicos alterados por nuevos análogos lipídicos antitumorales
ERGONOMICS: Integrated analysis of the "environmental" component and relevant interactions.The service can be offered in laboratory or field conditions, and in some cases can be offered telematically
Integrated analysis of the "human physical" component. The service can be offered in laboratory or field conditions, and in some cases can be offered telematically
Integrated analysis of the "human psychosocial" component. The service can be offered in laboratory or field conditions, and in some cases can be offered telematically
Integrated analysis of the "machine" component and relevant interactions. The service can be offered in laboratory or field conditions, and in some cases can be offered telematically
Integrated ergonomics analysis (man-machine-environment). The service can be offered in laboratory or field conditions, and in some cases can be offered telematically.
Intracellular calcium image using fluorescence microscopy applied to intracellular homeostasis of calcium, magnesium and chloride
Irritable bowel syndrome models and characterisation of their functional state.
Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells for therapeutic use.
Particularly: transaction data bases, medical and biological information, in structured data bases (multi-objective graph mining).
Lactate levels studies