Research lines
This group studies radioactivity in the environment using different radiometric techniques and various natural radionuclides as radiotracers to study different environmental processes.
Evaluation of soil management methods that reduce its erosion, such as vegetation with various types of crop (olive groves, vines, etc.) afforestation of abandoned agricultural land, and improvement in the ...
Eutrophication of aquatic systems. Diagnosis and evaluation.
Soil characterisation studies, determination of limiting factors and their spatial representation using thematic maps. In this line, solutions are offered to society in general and the scientific community in particular ...
Expansion and improvement of the Herbarium resources
Estudio de la flotación de sólidos para su separación-concentración, especialmente minerales, y otras técnicas como la separación por líquidos densos o la i ...
This is based on the study of production mechanisms for raw materials, mainly plant-based, and the incidence of different cultivation techniques (forced crops, in greenhouses, covered tunnels, and others), with ...
Formulation and manufacture of feed for aquatic organisms
Obtención de compuestos de interés a partir de biomasa no alimentaria de carácter lignocelulósico. Las actividades en este ámbito comprenden diversos desarrollos tecnológicos en las ...
Functioning of lotic ecosystems and the effect of disturbances
Analysis and attempt to explain the phenomena characterizing the formation of soils; in many cases this genesis influences its later agricultural use
The geochemistry of these elements and isotopes is a basic tool of geological and mining research
Geochronology is the science that attributes ages to rocks using isotopic techniques. The group was responsible for the creation of, and is responsible for heading, the most sophisticated U-Th-Pb Geochronology ...
Use of geographic information systems (GIS) for producing support systems for decision making, and for the management of natural and environmental resources
Active tectonics, seismicity and evolution of the relief: geomorphic indices of tectonic activity. Study of the rate of incision of the river system using dating of recent travertine bodies. Research ...
Characterisation of anisotropies originating in the sedimentation and diagenesis of sedimentary rocks, which have an influence on the fluid storage and transmission capacity in the rocks (hydrocarbons, water, or CO2).
Geophysical studies of the land subsoil with special emphasis on gravimetric, magnetic and electrical techniques.
New methodology which is especially important for resolving complex problems derived from the estimation of natural resources from data bases of experimental samples (for example, preparation of thematic cartography, estimation ...
This line, related to agriculture, arose with the advances in aerobiology and pollen studies on angiosperms.
Biology and ecology of ophidia and sauria in the Western Mediterranean area.