Servicios tecnológicos
Consultancy on implementing strategies to improve water quality
Consultancy service for applying geographic information technologies to the land and the landscape
Consultancy service for land, environment and landscape
It is posible to Access to check and download all the data of the digitalized information. The Herbarium is also a provider of information for that web ...
Contribution of experiences and reflections in the area of planning for housing, especially in connection with ecology, sustainability and recycling of housing
Control and monitoring of unstable areas.
Curative mineral waters: Description
DNA sequencing and analysis of genome fragments of animals and plants
Delimitation of archaeological sites using a combination of magnetic prospecting techniques and 3D georadar
Esto se aplica principalmente a sensores químicos, pero el grupo está trabajando para ampliarlo a cualquier tipo de instrumentación portátil, incluidos sensores comerciales
Desarrollo de productos biodegradables de limpieza para superficies duras.
Desarrollo de programas para diversos ámbitos que no requieran de técnicas bioinspiradas para resolver problemas
Design and creation of environmental information systems
Design and implementation of monitoring programs of the effects of global change on protected areas
Design of decision support systems to aid environmental decision making
Design of radar
Designing carbon materials for specific applications in adsorption processes
Detailed geological studies oriented to the exploration of rocks of industrial interest
Detección de actividades fitoprotectora y fitoestimulante en cepas bacterianas
Detección de moléculas señal de quorum sensing