Servicios tecnológicos
Analysis of radioactive caesium using a reversed hyperpure germanium detector
Analysis of the Chemical and Microbiological Composition of Biofilms
In order to propose actions for correcting or minimising them using the procedures set out in the E.L.C. (protection, management, planning).
Contributing useful criteria to forms of public action and proposing the maintenance of favourable situations. Correcting or improving unfavourable situations in accordance with the procedures set out in the E ...
In order to contribute to their better understanding and evaluation.
Analysis of the impact of climate change on the structure and dynamics of ecosystems
In order to set out recommendations that enable social maintenance and evaluation.
Analysis of the organic and inorganic fraction of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur in different kinds of samples
drawing up localisation maps, determining the mitigation required to reduce their impact and limiting the harmful actions.
Analytical Control of Sewage Treatment Plants
Analytical Determination of Heavy Metals in Liquid and Solid Samples, through Atomic Absorption
Analytical Determination of Hydrocarbons in Liquid and Solid Samples through Gas-Mass
Determinación Analítica de Pesticidas en Muestras Acuosas Mediante Gases-Masas
Análisis de emisiones y contaminantes químicos durante la fabricación y puesta en obra de mezclas bituminosas
Aplicación de biochar de origen vegetal y animal
Application of high resolution methods to obtain: subsoil morphologies, status of compaction and fracturing of materials, measurement of parameters for civil engineering work, geology
Application of micromorphology and micromorphometry
Application of proactive conservation strategies, integrating techniques traditionally applied to knowledge of the environment (paleobotany, ecology, etc.), as well as others of more recent development (Species Distribution Models) that offer ...
Applying numerical 1D and 2D models to determine the floodable area associated with a certain return period
Archeobiological studies for the characterisation of past ecosystems and enhancing of natural and cultural heritage.