Servicios tecnológicos
Multilingual translation of explanatory material for museums: panels, brochures, web site, multimedia guides, audio guides
Multimedia sobre patrimonio histórico para Museos, Centros de Interpretación y sitios históricos
Multispectral applications in the agro-food industry, surveillance and security and graphical design
Organising and participating in seminars, post-graduate and master’s events, conferences, etc
Plexiglass cutting, cardboard, woods and different low-density materials from vector archives. Maximum: 60 x 90 cm
Producing teaching support manuals
Proposals of cultural activities relating to al-Andalus and with the Arab world
Registration, creation and editing of 3D models
Reporting on historic and artistic aspects of Andalusian and Latin American heritage
Reproduction of colour in different media: printers, displays, etc.
Sign language interpreting of audiovisual material for museums and exhibitions: signing guides
Mental reconfiguration in schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, stuttering, hemineglect, etc.
Synesthesia and creativity, applications of mirror neurons and empathy, suppression of thought, study of tickling, the experience of flow, the prosocial and sociopathic self, etc. Informative explanatory conferences on these ...
The achievements made and expected to be made with this line of research have a very significant scientific and technological impact mainly in the areas of the study of materials ...
Study and demonstration of the plastic resources that artists have adopted in the gestation of their works and the possible changes in composition and modifications made while work was in ...
Mindfulness for leadership, emometry or evaluation of the emotional climate and cognitive optimization of attentional and emotional resources and the flow of information and energy according to the cognitive styles ...
Support for technological innovation by analysing characteristics of users’ way of life, needs, abilities, emotions and personality
Technical consultancy on conservation and restoration of the cultural heritage
Training in digital audio-visual production in free software (Audacity, Kadenli…)
Vinyl and acetate cutting from vector archives