Servicios tecnológicos
Designing software to facilitate the planning process for training that integrates the concept of load from a holistic perspective
Designing sports equipment and materials aimed at improving the cognitive processes involved in the decision-making process
Determination of the actual state of conservation of each art work based on information obtained from applying scientific methods of analysis
Determination of the composition and structure of paintings and sculptures, identifying the nature of the different materials that compose them
Development of graphic applications
Desarrollo de sistemas dinámicos basados en tecnologías de servicios web
Documenting audiovisual products
Elaboración de servicios a partir de productos
Ergonomic assessment of how work systems are designed
Estudio de temas de arquitectura popular e histórica para declaraciones de UNESCO
Estudios de gamificación en diversos sectores
Estudios sobre puesta en valor de entornos arquitectónicos
Extension of the research undertaken at the Granadan Baroque School to other painters and artists of different periods and schools
Gestión de la cadena de valor
Graphic, multimedia and animation studies
Identifying and studying works of art
Large-format digital prints on any medium with a width limit of 90 cm, but with no length limit
Modelado Digital 3D del patriomonio arquitectónico desaparecido. Investigación y Representación
Modelados tridimensionales para educación
Modelización digital e impresión 3D con instrumentación de alta tecnología