Servicios tecnológicos
Analysis of factors involved in risk behaviour (as applied to driving and addictive behaviour) and the development of control techniques for these behaviours
Analysis of gene expression and genotyping.
Analysis of inflammation biomarkers and endothelial damage.
Analysis of leukocyte populations by flow cytometry.
Analysis of locomotion as a predictor of quality of life and physical condition. The service can be offered in laboratory or field conditions, and in some cases can be offered ...
Respiration, membrane potential, respiratory chain activities, ATP levels and ATP production, CoQ9/CoQ10 levels, mitochondrial DNA quantification, mitochondrial biogenesis, etc.
Analysis of physical and cognitive performance in physical activity and health
Analysis of psychokinetic factors. The service can be offered in laboratory or field conditions, and in some cases can be offered telematically
Analysis of the clinical consequences of particular psychological aspects of women
Analysis of the physical condition. The service can be offered in laboratory or field conditions, and in some cases can be offered telematically
Analysis of the physical load that a person is subjected to in their environment (work, sport, leisure, domestic). The service can be offered in laboratory or field conditions, and in ...
Analysis of transepithelial transport using mulitphoton microscopy.
Animal hypertension models
Lymphocyte transfer model, TNBS, dextran sulphate, iodoacetamide, acetic acid, monochloramine, HLA B27 transgenic rats, IL10 -/- mice, ileitis by TNBS.
Animal obesity models.
Anthropometric measurements of children and adolescents
Antibiotic sensitivity analysis
App to stop using cannabis and tobacco.
Application of biomaterials for regenerative medicine
Application of molecular biology techniques to the study of tumours.