
Research lines

  • Study of the relationship between the PARP-1 protein and the transactivation of genes involved in tumour induction and progression, among them genes related to tumour response to hypoxia and angiogenesis ...
  • Control of secondary effects of radiotherapy based on the transplant of multipotent adult progenitor cells (stem or stromal cells derived from the umbilical cord) in murine experimental models
  • Study of cerebral circuits and the physiological and behavioural mechanisms that are activated after taking harmful or toxic substances.Furthermore, the group researches nutrients that, administered by enteral route, cause ...
  • Testing and evaluation of chemotherapeutic compounds, of natural or synthetic origin, against Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp and Acanthamoeba spp. Possible patenting and commercialisation of these products.
  • Assessment of neurodevelopment from birth to adolescence, paying special attention to prenatal, postnatal, family, environmental, nutritional, and social risk factors. Factors that compromise or protect child neurodevelopment
  • This line of work covers research in the various challenges arising in attention for oncological patients and their families, such as emotional problems, appropriate pain management and adherence to the ...
  • Chronic renal failure is responsible for a mortality rate in its sufferers that can be as much as 100-times greater than that for their corresponding age range. On-line haemodiafiltration has ...
  • Study of the clinical behaviour of dental restorative materials in the buccal medium, superdurability over time and their behaviour during mastication, etc. This line of research includes an experimental laboratory ...
  • This line of research is aimed at the study of eating disorders and others related to metabolic syndrome and morbid obesity, a large amount of experience has been gained, which ...
  • Evaluation of the clinical utility and biosafety of laboratory-produced tissues through randomised controlled clinical trials.
  • Involvement of heme oxygenase-1 in the nitric oxid mediated angiogenesis process: use of melatonine and other natural antioxidants New therapeutic strategies in colon cancer.The group also studies the interaction ...
  • Many of the cellular signal transduction pathways are mediated by protein kinases, which regulate many aspects of cellular function. Dysregulation of the expression or function of these enzymes leads to ...
  • Clinical research of the foetus through ecographic images. Study of the possibility of the application of image technologies used in the sporting world, for foetal study.
  • The control of decision making processes in team sports and the creation of tools that facilitate the decision making processes in activities with high levels of different kinds of stres
  • Relación entre alteración de los genes reloj y la disfunción mitocondrial en el envejecimiento. Estudios preferentes a nivel del daño mitocondrial y mecanismos de prevención ...
  • Modelo experimental celular de aterosclerosis temprana. Transdiferenciación de las SMC. Formación de células espumosas in vivo (cultivos SMC-C y SMC-Ch) e in vitro (cultivos A10 y SMC-C ...
  • Caracterización y estudio de las funciones de las células estromales presentes en tejidos con actividad inmunitaria: endometrio, decidua y órganos linfoides secundarios. Estudio de la endometriosis.
  • Study of the decalcification effect of irrigation solutions usually used in the biomechanical preparation of canals, and the influence of the addition of chlorhexidine on the interface and dentin structure
  • This line of research in traffic psychology and road safety aims to investigate the factors that determine driver behaviour in risk situations, in order to develop effective control techniques for ...
  • The possible current crisis in the dental profession and its relationship with the population's dental healthcare demands is studied