Research groups
The Legal Medicine and Toxicology research group of the University of Granada forms part of the Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Psychiatry department located in the Faculty of Medicine. The group comprises researchers of two departmental sections, Toxicology and Legal Medicine ...
This research group was formed in January 2001. It specialises, fundamentally, in the use of cell cultures as a study methodology for pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments; in the applicability of platelet rich plasma for the regeneration of tissue and more ...
The Molecular Genetics research group, located in the Biochemical and Molecular Biology III and Immunology department at the Faculty of Medicine, was formed in 2006; it seeks to solve genetically based medical problems, with results applicable to diagnosis and therapeutic ...
This research group was consolidated in 2007, and mainly focuses on classical molecular biology and functional genomics, using the bacteria Myxococcus xanthus as a model.
The Intracellular Communication laboratory, which belongs to the Institute of Biotechnology of the University of Granada, is currently made up of its director, Germaine Escames, a senior researcher, Darío Acuña Castroviejo, seven PhDs and ten pre-doctoral fellows. In ...
El grupo de investigación CTS-107: Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la investigación cardiovascular cuenta con las iguientes líneas de investigación:- Aplicación de nuevas estrategias terapéuticas basadas en nuevos genes y nanopartículas funcionalizadas selectivas ...
The research group CTS-115: Tissue Engineering develops its activity in an emerging area of medicine and biotechnology such as, among others, the construction of artificial tissues for the treatment of different diseases.Linked to the Histology Department of the University ...
The Research Group CTS-130: Drug Research and Development was created in 1990, with the aim of studying the design and synthesis of new antitumour drugs that are more selective and therefore less toxic than those currently available in the clinic ...
The research group was established in 1991/1992 in order to analyse the importance of trace elements (mainly zinc and magnesium) in human disease. Although the quantitative presence of these elements in the human body is very low, they play ...
This research group was created in 1995, with the aim of analysing the effects of natural products, especially dietetic polyphenols, on vascular tone and intestinal transit. Subsequently, these objectives were broadened, not only increasing the range of compounds tested with ...
El grupo de investigación CTS-168: Metabolismo de SMC en Aterosclerosis tiene como objetivo global la regulación de la expresión génica implicada en la homeostasis celular del colesterol y cuya desregulación da lugar a la transdiferenciaci ...
The Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Group was formed in 1990 when the Autonomous Government of Andalusia decided to build up Andalusian research, urging its researchers to join together in large research groups so that scientific devices, human resources, and efforts ...
The practical pharmacy research group works on the design of medicines, and is carrying out its latest studies in the fields of microencapsulation and nanotechnology and finalising different methods, depending on the drugs that are the subject of the study ...
This multidisciplinary group was formed in 1996 to investigate malignant tumour disease in its basic and clinical aspects with a distinctly translational approach to apply to clinical practice. The epidemiology of malignant tumour diagnosis and treatment are the subject of ...
The group was created in the 90s. Since then, advances in research into molecular genomics related to the molecular diagnosis of infections by HIV, HBV and HCV have been incorporated.
This research group was formed in 1994, and in 2003 it became part of the National Research Network for Hepatology and Gastroenterology (RNIHG C03/02). Furthermore, it has been part of the Biomedical Research Centre Network for Liver and Digestive ...
The Research group "Unsaturated Fats and Nucleotides. Therapeutic Implications" was formed in 1989 in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, located in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada. Since its inception, it has been characterized as ...
Group created in January 1990. Its first line of research involved the study of the “Interaction of xenobiotics in rat liver and its repercussion on lipid metabolism”. Current lines of research involve the study of synthetic lipid analogues as anti-tumour ...
The group was formed in 1987 and was added, as an independent group, to the list of groups of the Andalusian Regional Government in 1994, under the study group heading of Physiopathology of Arterial Hypertension with reference number CTS-251. The ...
This research group is made up of researchers belonging to the University of Granada (Biomedical Research Centre), to CSIC ("López Neyra" Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine) and to the "San Cecilio" and "Virgen de las Nieves" University Hospitals of ...